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How To Automate ISMS And Boost Your Security

October 18, 2021

The modern-day challenges of cyber-attacks and hacks can make information security management stressful. You need to prove that your ISMS is mature enough and your information is 100% secure. Manual processes can take tons of time and effort. You might be wondering how to integrate your information security management system instead. Can your IT department handle such an integration? Do they know how to do it? Are you sure you are following best practice requirements?

Book a no-obligation demo right now and find out how we can help you automate your ISMS.


Automating Your ISMS With The Right Partner

Automating your ISMS can be challenging, but there are easy solutions. You might have tried working with a partner in the past and been unsuccessful. Don’t let this put you off. Automation can be a game-changer for your enterprise. The key is to make sure that you work with the right DevOps company. They must have the proper credentials, skills and business acumen to help you. Plus, your IT department won’t feel left out because everybody works together for a common goal.

We love this shared experience of tasting the same champagne as our clients.

At Decision Focus, we nurture the authentic connections we have with our clients. This natural connection makes sense. We work together to create agile and lean platforms that are easy to use. We’re not creating platforms from a distant point of view. We use the same systems we make for our clients. It is the only way to understand what dilemmas and trials clients face.

Our ISO27001 Credentials Give Us An Edge

Not every software development company has ISO27001 status like us. Our certification auditor informed us that we were in the Top 5 out of 1,000 companies for whom he had given accreditation. The auditors said they had never seen solutions like ours before and with such a safe and secure product. We are proud to boast about these accolades because our way of doing things is different and works for our clients.

We have a proportionate and pragmatic approach that takes the standard seriously.

We stick to the necessary principles: such as outstanding leadership, the right tone from the top and excellent communications. Our clients mirror these same values. We love the fact that everybody feels included. So when a problem should arise, an employee feels comfortable to come forward and speak about it. It helps us take any necessary corrective action and have a desire to improve continually.

Real Examples Of Automation In Action

Automation of any system only works if you integrate the right processes. Bill Gates was right when he said: “Automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.” That’s why we are always clear on what we want to achieve for our clients. We make things easier, so risk, compliance and audit management is more enjoyable. We make anything life and embed it in the business.

Here are some examples of how automation on our platform can help you:


  • Stop using valuable time taking minutes of meetings such as for training on information security. You can record the session and place it in a communications log with a link. It’s a smart and slick solution.
  • You can forget about having individual documents for everything related to ISMS. You can automate it by integrating it into the system. You can use this for your objectives, risks, incidents, suppliers, etc.
  • You can also measure everything that you have placed in the system. This accessibility is perfect for any auditing or reports requirements. You have information at your fingertips.
  • If you need to do a risk assessment, our system is a GRC solution. You can access your risk register in the system and set owners for different actions. Automated notifications help to track progress.
  • The platform enables you to have an accurate representation of every action you take. So if anything is slipping, you can take immediate action to rectify it.
  • It is a long term investment in your future. You can understand the time and effort you put into projects and the return you receive. It is akin to the ultimate time management tool to make your enterprise more productive.

The Benefits Of Automating Your ISMS with Decision Focus

At Decision Focus, we check every detail with our clients to get it right. Our product is slick, and we always look for the most agile solution. We use this lean approach with everything. We want you to access information at the click of a few buttons.

Also, to rest at night knowing your information is 100% safe and secure. Here are some of the benefits of automating your ISMS with us:


  • It doesn’t take hours of “handle-cranking” to get going. The deployment is easy so that you can get on with your business. You can move from a manual to an automated system with no stress.
  • You can take annual penetration testing to the next level. We use external scanning processes to do more regular testing, sometimes once a week. So you can automate your vulnerability scanning.
  • The return on investment of integration far outweighs any fees to do it. Because your enterprise has become more streamlined, it makes you more cost-effective.
  • You are working with a partner that has ISO27001 accreditation. It can help to improve your public image. Also, your clients and regulators have a better assurance of your security systems.

Start Living the Dream

So if you have had a terrible DevOps experience before, you can forget about it and start living the dream with us. Your company can become leaner and more flexible. You can get ready to take on new challenges and integrate them straightaway. It can open your mind to new ideas, rejuvenate your business, and engage your employees. If you want to be competitive in your industry, you need to work smarter. No more stressful days at work, only automated solutions.

When you start thinking like us, it can help you streamline like never before.

When problems arise along the way, we help you out with no fuss. We understand when something doesn't work for you because we can also see it and feel it. Our clients have that added security of knowing we are there for them. Not one system is going to work for everybody. The customised approach we use eliminates all those boring "standard" solutions. So you can finally have the platform you always wanted and have total ISMS integration.

You can talk with us at Decision Focus to create the most accessible platform ever for you! Are you ready to automate your ISMS? Press yes, and let’s chat.

Any questions?

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