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How to undertake 'Business Continuity Planning' with more confidence

August 3, 2020

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'Business Continuity Planning' with greater confidence & assurance 

Decision Focus raises the quality of thinking behind your Business Continuity Plans, so you can have greater confidence they will work.

It helps you prioritize, assess risks and implement the right recovery measures to ensure you can continue to meet customers’ needs and safe guards employees in times of disruption.

Whether used as a stand-alone BCP solution or as part of an integrated GRC framework, Decision Focus always provides the resilience you need.

Prioritise and focus your BCP with an ASSURED HAND

Decision Focus provides an insightful prioritization tool that helps you decide which products and services you must focus on during periods of disruption and to what standards of delivery you will commit.

A simple balanced scoring mechanism using your own criteria allows you to rank your BCP

measures according to revenue contribution, reputational value, process recovery costs or other criteria relevant to your business.

Decision Focus also enables you to undertake the tradeoff analyses that will lead to the optimal BCP scope, and it supports the challenging balancing act with intuitive, interactive graphical views.

Understand your dependencies AT A GLANCE

Decision Focus enables you to build an Enterprise Model that paints a clear picture of the business processes, systems, staff and partners you depend upon to deliver each of the products and services your company provides.

The Enterprise Model uses intuitive graphics that helps you understand your key dependencies at a glance, ensuring that none are overlooked in your continuity planning.


All relevant data and management information is collected in one repository allowing all relevant parts of your business to access a single source of data.

This holistic approach increases reliability and efficiency throughout the business continuity planning process.

Being well prepared is the best way to mitigate risk. That is what Decision Focus is all about.


Risk management is not a silo activity

BCP is risk management.

The risks you define as part of your BCP can not only threaten your ability to meet your customers’ expectations in times of crisis - they can threaten your survival as a business.

BCP support is fully integrated within Decision Focus’s broader GRC product, ensuring that business continuity thinking is part of a robust risk management framework which connects with your organization’s governance processes and reporting.

You are in control. As it should be


Decision Focus provides a fresh approach to Business Continuity Planning whether used as a stand-alone BCP solution or as part of our GRC solution.

With Decision Focus, you can derive one central view of BCP risks, controls and actions directly from the same risk management system.

Decision Focus supports all the principle process steps in BCP.

Definition of the BCP SCOPE

In times of disruption, you can’t deliver Business as usual.

Decision Focus helps you prioritize which products and services to focus on, providing an objective scope for your continuity planning.

It enables you to undertake trade off analyses to arrive at the best selection of products and services to include in the BCP to optimize the balance between for instance revenue protection and preservation of reputation.


Decision Focus supports Business Impact Analysis for all processes within the BCP scope and the key metrics which drive continuity planning:

  • The Maximum Tolerable Period of Disruption (MTDP)
  • The Minimum Business Continuity Objective (MBCO)
  • The Recovery Time Objective (RTO)

Decision Focus captures all values along with the rationale and working papers which form the detailed analysis. In particular, Decision Focus will help you understand whether your plans will achieve your MBCO and RTO objectives.


Decision Focus helps you identify and assess the risks that threaten to disrupt processes within the BCP scope, and it provides the mitigating controls you need to make disruptions less likely.

Remember, if you wish, BCP risk assessments can be wholly aligned to your corporate risk management framework via our broader GRC Tool Suite.


Decision Focus captures all strategies/solutions you need to mitigate the impact of the risks of disruption and get you up and working as soon as possible. It also captures the continuity resources you need to make that happen and enables sufficiency analysis.

This provides insight into the robustness of your BCP. Importantly, Decision Focus can automatically generate continuity plans for specific operating locations and processes, derived directly from your specified strategies and solutions.


Decision Focus supports continual assessment of BCP effectiveness including management and reporting of document reviews, control testing and plan rehearsals and testing.

Automated Committee-ready reporting of assessment and test outcomes is available in the solution.


Decision Focus supports regular reviews and updates of plans, notably following any change in the Enterprise Dependency Model.

Actions identified by the BCP process can be easily tracked with automated reminders for action owners.


The solution is particularly visual. It is designed for ease-of-use and provides meaningful insights at a glance enabling you to take immediate action.

After all, the primary purpose of a risk management framework is to identify deficiencies and remedy them, and ensure the organization remains within risk appetite.

1. ISO 22301 Compliant

Supports all the activities prescribed by the standard.

2. Document management

All your BCP documentation is held in a single repository.

3. Scoping

Intuitive, visual prioritization tools help you determine the critical operational capabilities you need to preserve.

4. Dependency Analysis

Enterprise modelling ensures that operational dependencies are understood and addressed in your recovery plans.

5. Business impact analysis

Capture and analysis of the key BCP metrics of Maximum Tolerable Period of Disruption (MTPD) Minimum Business Continuity Objective (MBCO) Recovery Time Objective (RTO).

6. Risk assessment

Identification, assessment and reporting of disruption risks. These can be fully integrated into our broader GRC solution if you wish.

7. Risk mitigation

Via operational controls to reduce the likelihood of disruption risks, and recovery solutions and strategies to manage their impact.

8. Resource analysis

Definition for both business-as-usual and those required to manage disruption, including external supply dependencies.

9. Planning

Development, storage and dissemination and maintenance of all continuity plans

10. Continual assessment

Full support for both control self-assessment and independent audit and testing of BCP arrangements. Initiation and tracking of remedial action to ensure continued BCP effectiveness.

What’s next?

It’s your move...


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